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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your Guide to Reach and Wireless Power-at-a-Distance

Get all your questions answered about Reach and how our wireless power technology is transforming the way devices stay powered and is reshaping entire industries.


This section of the FAQ defines industrial-scale wireless power-at-a-distance. It addresses common questions surrounding its advantages, timeliness, receiver industries, and intended applications. To learn about Reach’s distinctive approach, please see the three categories that follow below.

  • What is wireless power-at-a-distance?

    Unlike common wireless charging systems found in the home, which require the power-delivering device and power-receiving device to be touching or almost touching, wireless power-at-a-distance (also known as distant or far-field wireless power) delivers power to devices tens of meters away, through the air. The easiest way to understand it is to think about Wi-Fi. Wireless power-at-a-distance does for power what Wi-Fi does for data. Just as Wi-Fi uses radio frequency (RF) to send data, the Reach system uses RF to send power. Wi-Fi sends power as well, but at microwatt levels. Reach uses that same mechanism to send higher levels of power safely and efficiently using directed beams. And, yes…it is safe! See “Is Reach wireless power safe?” below.

  • What are the advantages of wireless power-at-a-distance?

    Wireless power at-a-distance is set up to transform how we deliver power — from the grid, to buildings, to devices. Imagine never having to change another battery in your home, facility, or store. Imagine being able to place devices wherever you want — even hard-to-reach places — without having to worry about excessive infrastructure investments, cable and wire routing, electricians, and losing your most valuable asset: time. Imagine devices that are constantly working with no downtime. Wireless power-at-a-distance promises a more agile world with reduced maintenance, limited infrastructure, and more functionality than ever before.

  • Why wireless power-at-a-distance now?

    – Low costs. High-frequency transistors are now cheaper than ever, so deploying large, adaptive antenna arrays in commercial settings is finally a reality.
    – High demand. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the need for wireless power-at-a-distance is stronger than ever. A growing number of low-power devices are being distributed throughout commercial and residential environments to collect data and provide edge decisions.
    – Technical progress. Research has led to advances in signal processing, algorithm design, low-power communication, and high-frequency RF-DC converters — all necessary for wireless power-at-a-distance.
    – Regulation. The FCC opened the door to certify higher wattage wireless power in early 2022, removing a significant barrier to deployment.

  • What is industrial-scale wireless power?

    Industrial-scale wireless power, a category that Reach has pioneered, is a particular type of wireless power-at-a-distance. In addition to being safe, reliable, and easy to use, which is expected of any wireless power solution, industrial-scale wireless power is distinguished by four additional characteristics:

    Lots of Power. It’s not just low wattage Internet of Things (IoT) devices that need power. An industrial-scale solution can power a broad range of devices found in an enterprise or industrial environment, including high-wattage cameras, tools, small robots, and sensors. Most other companies’ solutions are focused on devices that use less than one watt of power, thus failing to meet broader demands. Reach can power devices covering a wide range of power requirements from milliwatts to tens of watts – more than ten times greater than the status quo.

    Support for a Multitude of Devices. Like Wi-Fi, an industrial-scale wireless power network needs to be point-to-multipoint (P2MP). By contrast, a point-to-point (P2P) powering configuration is little more than an extension cord, inadequate given many endpoints on a manufacturing floor or other enterprise setting. Exploiting non-line-of-sight capabilities, the Reach P2MP transmitter detects, authorizes, and powers all user-approved devices within a given environment.

    Intelligent. An industrial-scale solution must be smart, efficiently maximizing power to multiple devices, collecting, and analyzing relevant operational data, and offering value-added information to end users who need insights on device failures or those that are using too much power. Reach’s algorithms optimize power to each device and our management system reports operational data, which enables optimized deployments.

  • Who can use industrial-scale wireless power?

    Wireless power is in demand across many sectors, including defense and intelligence, manufacturing, critical infrastructure, and public safety, among others. Industrial-scale wireless power supports Industry 4.0, the fourth wave of industrial computing. Any companies or industries that are actively leveraging wireless data – e.g., 5G, Wi-Fi, or I/O-link wireless – or Industrial IoT (IIoT) can greatly benefit from the flexibility and convenience of wireless power.

    What are some intended applications of industrial-scale wireless power?

    An industrial-scale wireless power system, given sufficient modularity and extensibility, can support a wide variety of applications and power levels. Examples include:

    – Sensors. Supplying power to unattended ground sensors (UGS) in the field, industrial sensor fleets in manufacturing plants, distribution centers, utility infrastructure or refineries.
    – Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS). Limited by short flight times, wireless power enables persistent drones that can deploy at altitude on a moment’s notice.
    – Cameras. Powering wireless cameras such as proximity-activated security cameras, quality-assurance cameras, and inventory-monitoring cameras
    – Robotics. Charging AMRs, AGVs, and other robots while keeping them in service eliminates downtime and extra charging infrastructure.
    – Asset Tracking. Charging asset tracking tools, such as active RFID tags, Bluetooth beacons, and barcode scanners
    – Inventory Tools. Charging smart pallets, intelligent scales, small robots, and other inventory management mechanisms
    – Security. Supplying power for hard-to-reach devices, such as motion sensors, smart locks, smoke detectors, surveillance drones, etc

Reach Capabilities

What does the Reach offering deliver? The answers below will give you a quick overview of our capabilities, such as power, number of end devices, mobility, and distance. Ask yourself: how would operations look if I could cut the last cord? How could wireless power transform workflows and generate efficiencies?

  • How much power can Reach deliver to a single device?

    In short, it depends. The Reach wireless power-at-a-distance network is highly scalable and can transmit energy over long distances with relatively small transmitter and receiver form factors. Multiple transmitters can work together to scale up or down to almost any power level needed. The amount of power delivered depends on three primary factors: the size of the Reach transmitter, the size of the Reach receiver, and the distance between them.

  • Can I power multiple devices with a single Reach wireless power transmitter?

    Yes, like Wi-Fi, the wireless power transmitter is point-to-multipoint. It is designed to power multiple devices. With our current software release, the transmitter supports more than 30 devices concurrently, including a mix of high and low power end points. That number will increase in future software releases.

  • Can the Reach system power devices that move?

    Yes, Reach’s wireless power system will track and power moving devices. The current software is optimized for devices that move infrequently, stay within the circumference of the beam, or pass by a fixed location on a regular basis (i.e., pass through a set beam). If a receiver device moves, the power transmission stops until the device is stationary again. At that time, the system will re-optimize the wave transmission pattern to lock onto the device in the new location.

  • How far can Reach transmit power?

    Distance for Reach means tens of meters; we have optimized the system to match the distances seen in Wi-Fi. Just as Wi-Fi data speeds fall with distance, wireless power levels do the same. The effective range of our system depends on the power requirements of the receiving receivers, the size of the receivers, and the size of the wireless power transmitter. Our modular system accommodates various sizes of the wireless power transmitter and receivers, allowing users to support a wide range of power and distance requirements.

Reach Technology

We get a lot of questions about what is under the hood. How does it work? The following questions address a few basic topics about Reach’s technology–system overview, radio frequency (RF) band, potential signal interference, and system efficiency–as well as how our approach compares with others.

  • How does the Reach system compare to other wireless power solutions?

    While most wireless power solutions rely on resonant coupling or induction, Reach’s solution is designed to deliver power at-a-distance. The Reach system uses intelligently and precisely directed radio frequency (RF) signals, the same signals used to carry Wi-Fi throughout your home or office. While there are other approaches, such as lasers, RF offers many advantages, including non-line-of-sight capability, larger coverage areas, higher modularity and flexibility, and lower cost.

    Reach isn’t the only wireless power company working with RF, but Reach’s system is the industry’s industrial-scale wireless power network. It is more scalable and more powerful than any other wireless power system. Reach’s advantages lie in the unique way it generates and manipulates radio energy. To do this, Reach couples algorithmic optimization methods with extremely precise, low-cost adaptive antennas. Our patented hardware and software work together to concurrently maximize the power received by every device in the network, unlike other systems, which can only deliver power to one or two devices at the same time.

  • What frequencies does the Reach system operate in?

    Reach’s systems operate within the unlicensed 5.8GHz and 24GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency bands, which are defined by the ITU Radio Regulations. The ISM bands are set aside for purposes other than telecommunications.

  • Does the system interfere with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or other communications?

    No, our wireless power system operates on the unoccupied edge of the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) spectrum band and transmits continuous-wave signals to transfer power. This means our system uses very little bandwidth — only a fraction of a single channel — and allows Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and all other wireless communication protocols to operate normally. Interestingly, nothing interferes with our power transmission either. In fact, any signals at our frequency would simply, albeit nominally, add to our received power.

  • How efficient is the Reach power-at-a-distance system?

    The total efficiency of the system depends on a number of factors, including the size of the wireless power transmitter, the size and number of receivers, the distance and orientation between the transmitter and receivers, and the characteristics of the surrounding environment. The total efficiency of wireless power connection tends to be about half that of a wired connection, but it is important to look at the whole picture.

    For instance:

    In low-power applications such as powering sensors, facility managers will see that the addition of wireless power will only marginally affect total power consumption.
    In higher power applications, the analysis must consider several questions, such as:
    1) How hard is it to power these devices with cables?
    2) What is the benefit of mobility? and
    3) How much less equipment do I need now that I have eliminated charging downtime?

  • How does Reach compare to other wireless power solutions?

    While most wireless power solutions rely on resonant coupling or induction, Reach’s solution is designed to deliver power at-a-distance. The Reach system uses intelligently and precisely directed radio frequency (RF) signals, the same signals used to carry Wi-Fi throughout your home or office. While there are other approaches, such as lasers, RF offers many advantages, including non-line-of-sight capability, larger coverage areas, higher modularity and flexibility, and lower cost.

    Reach isn’t the only wireless power company working with RF, but Reach’s system is the industry’s first enterprise-class wireless power network. It is more scalable and more powerful than any other wireless power system. Reach’s advantages lie in the unique way it generates and manipulates radio energy. To do this, Reach couples algorithmic optimization methods with extremely precise, low-cost adaptive antennas. Our patented hardware and software work together to concurrently maximize the power received by every device in the network, unlike other systems, which can only deliver power to one or two devices at the same time.

Deploying Reach

This last section focuses on how wireless power solutions are deployed. The questions cover components, line of sight, control and monitoring, safety and signal penetration. Our technology solves tough challenges, but deploying Reach is easy, and comparable to Wi-Fi.

  • What are the components of the Reach wireless power-at-a-distance system?

    Wireless power transmitters. These devices transmit the energy. They accept standard wall-outlet power and convert it into radio-frequency (RF) signals that can be precisely shaped and safely directed to wireless power receivers (receivers). These receivers then transform the radio signals back into usable power that can fuel devices.

    Wireless power receivers. These devices are equipped with low-cost adaptive antenna arrays and patented power converters capable of receiving the wireless power and delivering it to the end device.

    Software power management dashboard. This is the SaaS-based or local management console that allows an administrator to monitor network performance, authorize power transmission to specific receivers, and prioritize specific charging schedules, if desired.

  • Does the Reach solution require line-of-sight between wireless power transmitter and receiver?

    No, the wireless power transmitter software finds the optimal paths radio waves should take to deliver power in any environment, even if obstacles sit between the wireless power transmitter and the receivers. The system often uses reflections native to the environment, which allows the wireless power transmitter to deliver energy to receivers without direct line-of-sight paths. If line-of-sight paths are available, however, they will offer higher performance than their non-line-of-sight counterparts.

  • How do I control and monitor my Reach wireless power network?

    The SaaS-based or local Reach dashboard controls and manages all wireless transmitters in the network. The dashboard is accessible via a standard web browser and provides information to the user about which receivers are receiving power and how quickly each of the receivers is charging. The dashboard allows the user to monitor performance and enable power transmission to specific receivers. Although it controls full authorization and deauthorization of devices, dashboard connectivity is not required to maintain power transmission (i.e. if the dashboard connection is lost, power continues to flow).

  • Is Reach wireless power safe?

    Yes. Our wireless power system includes a redundant safety system that protects all living things in the environment. In layman’s terms, the system detects when something moves into the edge of the power beam and disables or reroutes the energy before anything enters the beam itself.

    The best way to envision the system is to imagine that there is a perimeter sensor around the beam. If that sensor is disturbed, the beam cuts off. It is important to know that at this perimeter, the power levels of the beam are safe. In fact, they are roughly the same as the power levels of the Wi-Fi in your house. The Reach safety system allows our solution to meet the RF exposure limits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). These exposure limits are the same standards that must be passed by every wireless device sold worldwide. Further, our software features multiple layers of redundancy that disable the power transmission if any unavoidable obstructions or erroneous conditions are identified.

  • Does Reach’s wireless power go through walls?

    Reach’s wireless power-at-a-distance is very similar to Wi-Fi in this regard. It penetrates non-metallic material (wood, plastic, etc.) but metallic components disrupt the power delivery. It is therefore possible for wireless power to go through walls, doors, and floors. However, like Wi-Fi, passing through multiple walls will affect the system’s performance. Although the energy will not pass through metal, it is also possible for the system to direct the power signal around metallic obstructions.

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